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Spirituality & Community

3 Powerful Ways to Secure Your Children’s Future (If You Die Early)

ne of the most pressing concerns for all parents is their child’s future.

Many of us live in single-family homes, have only one breadwinner in the house, relatively small savings, and limited social network to rely upon.

How do we secure our families future in the face of adversity?

3 Powerful Ways to Secure Your Children’s Future (If You Die Early) Read More »

A Note on Addiction and Desire – Adapted from Ibn al-Qayyim’s Rawdat al-Muhibbin

Is desire bad? Much like expressing one’s anger, desire is not praiseworthy at all times, nor is it blameworthy. Excessive anger is blameworthy, as is excessive desire. How do we define excess in these situations? Excess is when their expression goes beyond what benefits or what fails to prevent harm. Despite there being acceptable expressions of desire, we find almost universal condemnation of it in religious texts. Why?

A Note on Addiction and Desire – Adapted from Ibn al-Qayyim’s Rawdat al-Muhibbin Read More »

What Effect does Sin Have On Faith? Suicide in Islamic Thought part 3

In previous entries, we covered the primacy of God’s oneness as a core tenant of Islamic belief inculcates in a believer self-accountability. Our acts, therefore, are not without repercussions. We will be judged for our actions, especially those that we perpetrate against others and ourselves, but also those we perpetrate against God. The fear of God’s

What Effect does Sin Have On Faith? Suicide in Islamic Thought part 3 Read More »

Can a donation made without intention, that turned out to be Zakat eligible, count toward Zakat?

” If you made a donation without intending zakat, but later learned it was zakat eligible, can it count toward zakat? @FarazRabbani @hwmaqbul @joewbradford. Guessing Hanafis/Shafis split like do you have wudu if you accidentally fall in a pool without intention.”

Can a donation made without intention, that turned out to be Zakat eligible, count toward Zakat? Read More »